Home is Arkansas. Yep, Arkansas, well-kept secret treasure. My world is grounded, without pretense, though I sometimes succumb to swinging earrings and bejeweled eyeglasses.
I have been married to my soul-mate for a lot of years in a true partnership, despite my feminist leanings. Together, we have trekked the world.
I am an entrepreneur. I started a nursery business that evolved into four garden centers. Our family business continues to grow through the efforts of that soul-mate and our two grown sons. I still labor part-time, overseeing the finances in my tower office (2nd floor of an old house).
I love quiet. I might have been a hermit, except my outgoing hubby lifts my wings and urges me to fly.
I am a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), physiologically as well as emotionally, as described by sensitivity guru Elaine Aron. You can read about her work and test yourself for the HSP trait here: http://hsperson.com/
Like many writers, I majored in English. In mid-life, I earned a Master’s Degree in Counseling, then opened a private psychotherapist practice, treating whatever life problems my clients were wrestling, before plant whispers lured me back to the nursery.
My time is divided between our rustic familiar farm in the Prairie Grove valley in Washington County and a beautiful mountaintop aerie near the Buffalo River. Earth and Sky. Roots and Wings. One came to us through grace and one we fought the state to retain—stories I am writing now.
Russ looking over the edge at our mountaintop home.
Not as much time to enjoy the view, now that I’m a published author, but book-signings are fun, too.